Efficacy testing: eye puffiness and dark circles

Eye puffiness and dark circles

Eye puffiness and dark circles under the eyes occur for many reasons, including genetics, allergies, stress, eye fatigue and lack of sleep, ageing as well as individual skin characteristics. Therefore, skin in this area tends to have reduced elasticity, hyperpigmentation, irritation, and allergies may occur more often.

Puffy eyes are caused by an excessive accumulation of fluids in the tissue surrounding the eye. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, which means swelling and discoloration are easily seen.

Dark circles are darker areas under the eyes, which look darker due to vessel fragility. In this case they can be broken easily, and hemoglobin leaks out into the skin, which we can see as a dark discoloration around the eye as a result. Another reason is poor circulation, which means less oxygenated blood and the result is a bluish appearance.

Sings of puffiness and dark circles

Puffy eyes are characterized by undereye "bags", caused by swelling of the surrounding tissue. Dark circles are areas of hyperpigmentation under the eyes.

Claims related to under eye puffiness and dark circles


Anti-dark circles

Cosmetics testing
Cosmetics testingCosmetics testing

Measurement principles and instruments

To prove eye puffines and dark circles related claims we measure the following parameters using the following instruments:

Evaluation of dark circles with microcamera

  • Visioscan VC 20plus (Courage + Khazaka Electronic)

  • Cortex Dino-Lite (Cortex Technologies)

  • Microcamera SoftPlus (Callegari)

See our results

Microcamera SoftPlus - Callegari

Cosmetics testing

Dark circles before treatment

Cosmetics testing

Dark circles after treatment

Efficacy testing protocol is prepared for each product individually with close cooperation with the sponsor. Based on the claims, usage regime and efficacy expectations, we prepare a protocol that is suitable for the type of product and can confirm product efficacy. The studies can be performed over a different time period (from a few days to several weeks or months) depending on the claim and type of measurement.

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